School leader ideal - what young European edu- cational leaders expect from educational leaders
Magdalena Łagodzińska, Jagiellonian University, Poland


There are a lot of different expectations towards school headteachers as educational leaders. They depend from the point of view and level of awareness how school leadership have to look like in order to meet demands of schools as educational organizations. It is then especially interesting how people entering teaching profession interested in educational leadership de ne "ideal school leader". Paper presents results of small research on thinking about "ideal" school leader among students working in the  eld of educational leadership taking part in international Erasmus Intensive Programme "Leadership for Democratic Cit- izenship in European Schools" that was run in 2013 with participation of more than 50 students from six European countries. Author asked them about their understanding of school leadership and expectations towards school leaders. It turned out that young people de ne it in terms of organic leadership, stressing such features or competencies of school leadership as honesty, openness, trust and other values important form educational point of view.
Keywords: school head, educational leaders, leadership competencies,